Monday, October 21, 2013

Another week of work complete!!!

Polished up the new/old wood stove!

well...we may have over-loaded the trailer..............
Joe to the rescue!
When you don't have a table for a table saw, just use a 4-wheeler!

Insulation: Check!

Mackenzie's room is all framed and ready for drywall

Good work Joe!
Drywall starts

moving forward with the drywall. YAY!

Monday, October 7, 2013


Done for the week!! Time to gather more materials and get ready to put up insulation and drywall next week!
Check out what we have been up to this week!
Yup, I think it is time for a new door...............
Wrapping Tyvek before we begin putting in insulation and drywall.
Joe is replacing all the rotten T1-11 on the exterior of the barn. Last piece!!!